One of the branches in the district invited their new members to come to Santo Domingo on a Friday night and stay in temple patron housing. There they learned how to open an lds account and to find the name of one of their ancestors who needed their temple work done. The next day they all did temple work for one of their own family members. Super animating for all!
Sunday, May 19, 2019
2 limes for .80
I just discovered something WONDERFUL about the Dominician Republic. I was expecting company, trying to prepare guacamole and realize I was out of limes. I picked up the phone on the wall in our apartment, it automatically dialed the guards in the lobby. I asked them to call a colmado (neighborhood jiffy-mart) and bring me 2 limes. Five minutes later the guard rang our doorbell with the two limes in his hand. I could get used to this service!
The Miracle of Wonderful Missionaries
These are recent converts in a branch that only two transfers ago had a sacrament meeting attendance of four. Yes. 4 people in sacrament meeting. We released our assistant to the president and called him to serve as branch president, and with total faith in The Lord, he has built the branch up in a miraculous way.
The Miracle of a Mission
The missionaries arrive absolutely lost and helpless. They can’t speak the language, they can’t change money, they can’t buy a bottle of wáter. They don’t know the bus routes. They don’t know how to get to their apartment. They don’t have cell phones, no GPS, no internet. If they get sick it’s their companion who takes care of them. They are totally dependent on their companion. They come to us scared, homesick, and insecure.
Then the most miraculous thing happens. Their companions take care of them. 19-20 year boys become their saviors. Their companions take them shopping, cook for them they shine their shoes, teach them the language. It’s the ultimate experience in humility for both the new missionary and for his trainer. The new missionary must humble himself to learn from his companion, and the companion must be patient and loving and tender with the new missionary.
Their is a “nickname” in the mission for the relationship between a new missionary and his trainer: they call each other “my dad” and “my kid.” The experienced missionary becomes possessive of his “kid,” rooting for him to succeed for his whole mission. It is utterly selfless love. The “kid” is full of gratitude and he wants to make his “dad” proud and it gives him confidence to tell people I am “Elder Monson’s kid.”
Before you know it, this new missionary, who was terrified to open his mouth, and whose Spanish was laughable, is teaching the restored góspel to natives in their own language, teaching with power, with enough power to get them to change their lives entirely: to marry if they are living together, to give up cigarettes or coffee if they have addictions. These young men and women--right out of high school--overcome obstacles, gain confidence and before you know it become trainers themselves.
The whole experience is a tremendous Faith builder. The trainers remember how helpless they once were, and they know there is no way they could accomplish such amazing things without the help of the Lord. They are living proof that God is a god of miracles because they see such tremendous changes in their own lives. In addition, they witness miracles every day in the lives of the people they teach, changes that would never in million years happen without the power of the priesthood and the hand of the Lord.
There are a lot of amazing blessings about presiding over a mission, but one of the most satisfying is seeing our missionaries become such outstanding human beings, full of love, selflessness, humble, teachable, full of faith and focused on what’s most important.
Eager to serve!
Three weeks ago Johann was baptized. Today he came to church with a white shirt and tie and went straight to the sacrament table, waiting to bless the sacrament. The branch president's wife explained he needed to be sustained to the priesthood and set apart before he could pass the sacrament and invited him to return to his seat in the congregation. As soon as he was sustained he returned to the seat at the sacrament table and was reminded that he still needed to be set apart. At the end of the meeting President announced Johann would be set apart after church and he got up again and moved to the front row. We are so excited to see how Johann's enthusiasm will bless this branch!
Friday, May 3, 2019
Brand new dress, and new hairdo for a special baptism
(Apparently when the Dominicans get the braids attached to their hair they can't get them wet, so a white grocery bag preserved the look)
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New way to find and teach
Please send a "friend request" to our facebook page: Bret'nJeanette Smith We will be posting on facebook in the futur...
We fed this group of missionaries who are leaving and before we even finished our departing counsel some of the new ones arrived at our ...
We are so grateful Irma passed by without hardly a wink. We had some wind and rain, but no more than I have seen here before. We pray she ...
Hermana Sabourin was determined to meet her daily goals this week so they contacted and contacted without quitting. The last person they c...