He told us a little about how we were called as mission president and wife. He said our photo and bio was presented to the entire quorum of the 12 and we were discussed. Then every member of the quorum of the 12 apostles had to raise their hand in agreement that we were candidates to serve. Then one member of the quorum was assigned to interview us.
After we accepted the call to serve, our photo and bio were again presented to the entire quorum of the 12 apostles and they all had to agree about the mission we would be sent to. He talked about the process of receiving revelation and bore testimony that we had been called by revelation to serve here in the DR, just like the missionaries who have been called to serve with us.
We really felt buoyed up by his confidence in us. He was very complimentary of our mission and our missionaries. Both he and his wife could tell our missionaries are obedient, they are faithful, they are working hard, and they have great attitudes. I was really proud of our missionaries and I wished I could have shared what I know about each one of them with the Renlunds. At least they could feel their spirits.
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