Sunday, July 28, 2019

Obedience in ALL things

A couple of missionaries shared their experiences with obedience recently.  President had told Elder Sousa he needed to smile when he was in the streets.  He obeyed President’s counsel and one day a woman saw him smiling and said, “tell me what is so funny?”  That led to a contact and later to her baptism.

Another Elder, Elder Cruz followed President’s counsel to wear his missionary attire whenever he is outside the casa, even if it is to cross the Street just to buy something at the colmado (corner convenience store).  One day he went to the store dressed appropriately and the Clerk asked him why he dressed up just to cross the Street and buy a bottle of wáter.  He told her it was because it was a rule in the misión and he wanted to be obedient to the rules.  The woman was so impressed she asked to take the discussions and was later baptized.

Teaching is so rewarding

I was teaching about repentance the other day and wanted the missionaries to understand how unhappy will be the soul who faces his maker without repentance.  I shared the scripture in Alma 36:15 when Alma wants to cease to exist.  I felt impressed right then to ask the missionaries, “What would happen if the story ended here?”  We paused and let them ponder.  The Spirit manifested to us in a powerful way what a enormous blessing is the atonement.

Another great experience occurred when I was teaching the missionaries how to invite someone to be baptized.  They have been using 2 Ne 31:5 and inviting the people to be baptized to follow Christ’s example.  But they weren’t teaching what Christ was being an example of?  He wasn’t exemplifying being forgiven of your sins, as some thought, because he was sinless!  Of course when you read verses 7 and 8 you recognize he was exemplifying covenants.  He, himself, was making a covenant with God by promising to testify and obey (v.7) and he then received the Holy Ghost demonstrated by a dove (v.8).  The missionaries learned they need to teach that we follow Jesus Christ by making the covenant of baptism not just being baptized.

Then I spoke about the tremendous blessing of the Holy Ghost and I realized there is a huge connection I between our part of the covenant and God’s part.  We covenant to be obedient so we can have the Holy Ghost with us.  And when we have the Holy Ghost with us, it helps us be obedient.  Obedience leads to the Holy Ghost and the Holy ghost leads to obedience.

Christ-like love

Wow, did I learn something new from this activity!  A very conscientious district leader organized an activity where companions in his district would wash one another's feet.  The take-away was supposed to be because Christ did "yeuchy" things, we should be willing to do so too.  But I learned something entirely different.

One of the hermanas didn't have a companion because her companion was in an interview so I washed her feet and she washed mine.  At first I thought I would feel "yech" because I'm a bit of a germ freak.  But my response was just the opposite.

As I washed her feet I thought of how hard she had been working, walking all day long in the dusty, muddy streets of Santo Domingo, over rocky roads, filled with holes and pitfalls.  I was filled with tremendous love for her and I desired to show her how much I loved her.  I wanted to wash her feet, tenderly, slowly; I wanted her to feel better, to feel relief, to feel cared for.  I felt it was a privilege, and I didn't once think "yech."  

I realized that our Savior likely felt this way when he washed his disciples feet.  I don't think he felt "yech".  I think he felt love.  I think he felt compassion for what they had been through, being his disciples, and compassion for what they would yet endure, being his disciples.  I think he wanted to fortify them, to show them he cared, to help them feel supported.  I think this should be our goal when we serve one another, not to do so holding our nose, but doing so while reaching out our hearts.

Who needs to speak?

This wonderful couple teaches primary each week and the husband doesn't speak a word of Spanish.  Note the cute beads of the little girls in front!

Our Couples Class

Last night we were invited to teach a class on temple marriage to several couples from one of the branches here.  We taught them the difference between "love" and "charity".  Usually when we think of things we love: ice cream, a day at the beach, a new dress, even our spouse, we think of how much pleasure these things bring us.  That's why we "love" them.  We looked at charity, and discovered the true love of Christ is pretty much the opposite.  Charity is all about the joy we can bring to the other person, instead of the pleasure they will bring to us.  When both partners in a couple have charity, they can bring one another a whole lot of joy.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Conversos All Star

I don't know if you can see the button, but it says "Convert All Star"  It's our zone leaders being super creative in motivating their zone.  The photo of the four missionaries dressed like familiar story book characters was another creative day of teaching.

Another "Graduation!"

It's so fun to see our missionaries after they have been released and later return to the island with their families.  We are always delighted to see them continuing in their spiritual progress.

The Cupids Arrive!

Because of this couple's generous donation we have 20 more couples that can get married and will then be eligible for baptism.

New way to find and teach

Please send a "friend request" to our facebook page:   Bret'nJeanette Smith    We will be posting on facebook in the futur...