Wednesday, July 25, 2018
New Friend
Another Tender Mercy
The sister who wrote this article is in our mission. She just got transferred to a new area this week and was feeling a little insecure. Sunday she was supposed to speak in church to introduce herself, but the bishop decided there wasn’t time. However the concluding speaker, not knowing who wrote it, read this story from the Liahona for her talk. When the bishop realized it was the new missionary in his ward who had written the talk, he let her introduce herself. This went a long way to boost her confidence.
Cute Little Munchkins
How can anyone focus on the lesson when the moms put their babies to sleep right beside you? I just wanted to grab them and take them home.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
The Rest of the Story
The man in green is the father of the hermana who is on a mission in El Salvador who taught with one of our missionaries who came here and ended up in his area and baptized him. We just transferred this Hermana to another area which turned out to be the area where the biological father lived. The man in green was the step father. Elder Williams (l) baptized the two women in the photo.
Sad Goodbyes
We sent 17 missionaries home this transfer. It was kind of hard because four of them had been our assistants and two Hermanas could have been assistants. We wondered how we would proceed with so much strength leaving, but the Lord provides and our younger missionaries are doing great!
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
A True Convert
While in the temple last week one of our Hermanas bumped into a brother she had taught and helped get baptized last year. Such a sweet reunion.
Monday, July 16, 2018
I Love to See the Temple
We took missionaries to the temple this week and taught them the relationship between their garments and the shields and breastplates Moroni provided for his army.
Our Couples' Class
Thus weekend we taught a marriage workshop to some couples in the district. It was ironic to be talking about communication when we were trying to communicate in a foreign language.
New Blogmaster
I’m super grateful to my talented daughter in law Zoe for taking over the blog. My sister-in-law has her plate full since Grandpa's death, and we’re grateful for her full year of service. Zoe is the mother of three precious angels and married to Spence who is a handful all by himself! But she’s amazing and will keep up no problem. :)
Keep 'em Coming
Will wonders never cease? One of our zone leaders was companions in the CCM (Missionary Training Center) with a Dominican who lived in here our misión but was going to serve elsewhere. They became very close, and this CCM companion wrote our zone leader from time to time while our zone leader served here in Santo Domingo Este.
One day this zone leader received a reference from the bishop in his Ward. The bishop had received a letter from a member of his Ward who was serving a misión, and the member of the Ward who was serving a mission wanted someone to teach his own family who were not members. The bishop passed the reference on to the missionaries in his Ward.
Our zone leader was serving in this bishop’s Ward and when he went to visit the family the bishop referred, he discovered it was the family of the companion he had grown to love in the CCM (Missionary Training Center).
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
God directs this work!
Hermana Sabourin was determined to meet her daily goals this week so they contacted and contacted without quitting. The last person they contacted invited them in. This person was a member of the church who had been less active for many years. But the member recognized the name Sabourin. It turned out that the missionary who had baptized this member along with 7 members of her family was Hermana Sabourin's Father!
"My first miracle"
Hermana Mendez (l) went teaching with the sisters in her home ward three times a week for three months before her mission. One of the sisters she taught with was from the Dominican Republic. This sister told Hermana Mendes she needed to get called to the DR to baptize her father who lived there. Lo and behold Hermana Mendez was called to the DR. The first area we sent her to was right next to the area where the father lived. (We had no idea!) Elders worked in the area where the father lived and they shared a chapel with Hermana Mendez. Hermana Mendez was able to be in the lessons and attend the baptism of the father of the Hermana who had hoped for just that.
Helping with the work
Spence did a great training on working with members. He reminded our missionaries they can earn the confidence of the members when they act like missionaries and let the members be the friends with the investigators.
I can't wait until I'm 8
Our grands got to attend a baptism of 13 new converts. They thought they blended in perfectly with the Dominican children. But the Dominican children were fascinated with these little blue eyed blondes and could not stop touching their hair!
Hello! New helper with the blog :)
While visiting Presidente and Hermana Smith last month I asked if there was anything we could help with and she said asked me to help with this blog :)
I am so excited to share and I will update Hermana Smith's posts every Sunday and Thursday!
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New way to find and teach
Please send a "friend request" to our facebook page: Bret'nJeanette Smith We will be posting on facebook in the futur...
We fed this group of missionaries who are leaving and before we even finished our departing counsel some of the new ones arrived at our ...
We are so grateful Irma passed by without hardly a wink. We had some wind and rain, but no more than I have seen here before. We pray she ...
Hermana Sabourin was determined to meet her daily goals this week so they contacted and contacted without quitting. The last person they c...