Today Elder Cook was in Santiago and the meeting was broadcast to all of us here in the Dominican Republic. It was absolutely one of the highlight days of my mission so far. What a humble prophet he is! I never expected to be inspired the way I was today.
The first thing that impressed me was when he related the experience of building the Kirtland Temple. I have always known the women broke their china to add to the sparkle of the walls, but it meant something deeper to me today. The walls really didn’t need their china. The temple would be built without the china. The sisters needed to break their china to add to the temple walls. Their china was a symbol of the fine things of the world and the fact that they broke their china symbolized their willingness to give up worldly things. The fact that they gave the china to enhance the temple symbolized the importance of heavenly things. We are working hard here in this mission to be consecrated and that means putting the things of the world aside, not caring, not worrying about material things or what’s happening at home, but focusing on the work and the things of God. What a beautiful symbol Elder Cook shared with us today.
Another thing that impressed me was his message about the converts our missionaries are finding. He spoke of the gathering of Israel and how we are to find the elect. I realized the investigators here are the elect. They are those who have been prepared. That’s why they have such soft hearts. That’s why they are so willing to listen to the gospel. They are a chosen people and we need to remember this when we teach them. We need to remember that The Lord has prepared them, and that is why they are ready to hear the truth. They are open-hearted, open-minded and we need to treat them with the respect and reverence they are due. We need to bear solemn testimony in the discussions, not a rote, habitual testimony, but a testimony born of the spirit.