We have been studying Nephi's experience returning to Jerusalem to get the plates lately and we have pondered why The Lord had him return three times before he had success. After all, he was on the Lord's errand each time. Why not succeed the first time?
I believe Nephi and his brothers had to have a chance to give up all their riches. I imagine they thought about their riches while in the desert. Perhaps they wondered if they had hidden them well enough. Perhaps they wondered how much an ounce of gold would buy when they returned.
The Lord wanted them to give up all their riches so they would look forward, not backwards. He wanted them to realize they were not going to return to their old ways, that their new life was their future. The riches were a distraction and they had to go in order for Nephi and his family to press forward.
This week we had a missionary ask to go home. He had only been in the mission for a week when he decided he couldn't take it here. It was very, very sad for us. But it made us admire the missionaries that stick it out all the more. The missionaries in our mission are amazing. They don't live in luxury like they may have at home.
- They seldom have hot water.
- At times they don't have any water at all because the city turns off the power and thus the wells won't work.
- When the power goes off, so do the lights. We have generators in all the apartments, but sometimes they break.
- We have had sisters experience bed bugs.
- The water is often so dirty they they can't use it shower unless they add Clorox.
- And one need all day to tell you about the food.
How wonderful are these missionaries that don't complain, that focus on the work and not on their discomfort. They don't lament that they have clothes dryers at homes where their towels are never stiff.
President recognized that one of the attributes of a successful missionary is one who has "left his riches" and doesn't look back. He doesn't wonder if his brother will have trashed his snowboard while he is gone. He isn't worried that he'll have enough money to buy a car. The "riches" of home aren't on his mind. He is selflessly focusing on the people here and how he can bless their lives.
I should say he/she because it's even harder for our Hermanas to live in less-than-luxurious circumstances and they are troopers! Pray for them. They deserve all the blessings of heaven.